Panel coordinator, Language Ecologies, un Projects, ACCA, Melbourne.
Lecture for MFA students on Art preoccupied with economies and borders invited by Dr Sofi Basseghi at RMIT university
Entanglement: Art and Activism, lecture and workshop, Australian Palestinian Solidarity Conference
Lecture for MCA students on Migrant Materials, Victorian College of the Arts, University of Melbourne (invited by Dr. Tessa Laird)
Artist talk, Incinerator Gallery with Dr. Lina Koleilat on contemporary work precarity and art.
Artist talk, La Trobe Art University, Visual Arts forum
Artist talk, American University of Beirut, Studio Arts Lecture Series
Panel discussion on creative activism, organised by Dr. Andrew Goodman at La Trobe University with Jude Anderson and Linto Thomas, Nicole Skeltys, Clare O’Hanlon (online)
Panel discussion on Government, Incinerator Gallery Art for Social Change Award Exhibition (online)
Artist talk with Dr. Jacqueline Millner, AMA exhibition, La Trobe University Shepparton
Artists and curator's talk, Assembly Point: Erasure, curated by Nur Shkembi, Centre of Visual Art University of Melbourne, University of Melbourne
Performance lecture ‘The Migrant Material’ as part of CARE: transforming values through art, ethics and feminism, Symposium, George Paton Gallery, University of Melbourne
Presenting paper on Rematerialization in a panel on Practicing Dissent through Art, Activism, and Urbanism, Kohl Journal, Alternative Economies Conference, Beirut.
Panel discussion around Iconoclasm: Fever and Anxiety with Dr. Antonio Gonzalez Zarandona and Martina Copley, Blindside Gallery.
Discussion coordinator with Xanthe Waite after a Talk by Dr. Paul Raschky on economic development and satellite images, SOAP at KINGS, KINGS Artist-run.
Panel discussion on Flatness and Hybridity, SOAP at Fort Delta